Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Liking my 1/2 marathon program

My weight loss is still holding steady, have not gained anything back, but having difficulty losing more. I am hoping that it is just a plateau-- because with my workout level I don't want to go below 1600 calories. Here is to hoping that my body is just fighting the weight loss!!! Anyhow -- have still lost a good chunk of weight and it is not trying to creep back on anymore. So, I guess that is progress.

I downloaded a 1/2 marathon training program with satellite tracking to my iPhone. Seems like a good program. Liking it so far. The tracking is consistent with my expensive running watch, so I guess it works. :)

Had a good run today, just working on my base miles right now. Nothing hard. Pace work starts next week. ugh.

Monday, May 3, 2010

1/2 marathon goal

Decided that I will run a half marathon in October. Started training for this on Saturday. Continue to work on all other goals. Fitness is going well.

Had a bummer evening (Sunday), triggered a little bad eating. But, I know when I feel stressed I do that. Back on track today with eating well.