Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Liking my 1/2 marathon program

My weight loss is still holding steady, have not gained anything back, but having difficulty losing more. I am hoping that it is just a plateau-- because with my workout level I don't want to go below 1600 calories. Here is to hoping that my body is just fighting the weight loss!!! Anyhow -- have still lost a good chunk of weight and it is not trying to creep back on anymore. So, I guess that is progress.

I downloaded a 1/2 marathon training program with satellite tracking to my iPhone. Seems like a good program. Liking it so far. The tracking is consistent with my expensive running watch, so I guess it works. :)

Had a good run today, just working on my base miles right now. Nothing hard. Pace work starts next week. ugh.

Monday, May 3, 2010

1/2 marathon goal

Decided that I will run a half marathon in October. Started training for this on Saturday. Continue to work on all other goals. Fitness is going well.

Had a bummer evening (Sunday), triggered a little bad eating. But, I know when I feel stressed I do that. Back on track today with eating well.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nothing too exciting to post, except that my energy and endurance levels continue to rise. Got some great plyometrics programs going and still eating clean. Not having any problems with lowering the calorie count. Weight is staying down.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Catching up...

Didn't write for awhile.... busy weekend full of anniversaries and b-days. Tried to eat well, but the Coldstone ice-cream cake had to be eaten. Anyhow, thought I would hop on the scale this morning, keeping in mind my stagnant weight loss. Low and behold!!! .5 pound down. Hmmmm, maybe ice cream cake is healthy?

Total weight lost 6.5 pounds. 11.5 to go. I have a feeling from this point out is going to be very challenging. But I have resolved to accomplish this, God willing!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stagnant weight

Okay, so the weight loss is growing stagnant this week, in fact it is trying to creep back up!! My body really wants to stay right were it is. So I am going to shock it into submission. New caloric game plan:

No more than 1650 calories per day. Must leave 150 of these calories for a before bed snack. So only 1500 calories before 8pm. Must tweak the diet, too. I am supposed to be eating a fruit or veggie at each of my six meals. Must be more diligent about this. Here goes!

As for exercise -- doing well here. Will keep keeping on!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday April 19th

Went about 50 over my calorie range, was starving! First time I felt that way over the course of the past two weeks. Did a pretty cool plyometric track workout and did one set heavy weights upper body. I am going to try doing the plyometric and weights in this manner 4 times a week, 2 jump rope classes, and run four times per week. This combo should really help me drop some weight and not lose muscle tone. I have about 13.5 more pounds to lose before I really start lifting weights in a competitive manner.

Overall, I have to say I have been successful the past two weeks. Over the next two weeks I aim to lose another 5 pounds and increase the cardio as posted above.

Mood until yesterday has been very good. Yesterday was a pretty melancholy day.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Posting

Didn't get a chance to post this weekend due to being out of town. I did, however, get to run both days. Thankfully! In fact, I NEEDED to run Sunday evening. It is a top ten stress buster. Also down another pound this weekend.

Total Pounds lost so far: 5.5

Friday, April 16, 2010

Another 2 days, another pound.

Down another pound. Yeah. Total Weight Loss since starting the blog: 4.5 pounds in 11 days. If I lose another .5 pound in the next 2 days that will equal 2.5 a week. Healthy weight loss.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14th -- ROAD KILL

Had a nice run today, nice slow four miles. Felt good. However, apparently some drivers think it is pretty funny to hit the possum? road kill -- nice and hard, straight on. Quite possibly with the hopes of its internals splatting all over the stupid running girl. Two cars swerved around it (thank you!) But I saw that third one taking aim. I bet the maniac driving was smiling. He didn't think I'd just stop and stay out of the spray zone, but I did. I outwitted him. LOSER!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 12th&13th

Crazy day yesterday. S0-- having to post for it today. Weight stayed the same;did weight training.

Have jump rope today, that is always a good cardio workout. If I can muster the time I will try to get a run in, also.

I continue to have no problem eating clean and staying within my calorie limit (although I do tend to always end up at the higher end of the scale) :) ....

Really great jump rope class today! I left feeling like I had a great workout, but I didn't do the core work that L did!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11th

Got a run in today. Eating clean is going well. Had a lot of energy today. This was great! I have always noticed that the cleaner I eat the more energy I have.... Can't wait to jump on the scale tomorrow morning! How crazy does that sound?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10th,2010

Another .5 pound down. woo hoo! 2 hours of mountain biking with Bug today. We had to cross our bikes over a brook balancing the bikes (and ourselves) on a couple of small fallen trees. Bug led the way, she was a great leader!

Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9th

yeah -- another pound down. And it is amazing how 3 pounds of water loss will make you feel. The lack of bloating in the abdominal region is wonderful. Eating clean is really the best thing for my lifestyle. It is certainly not always easy though! Most of the standard American Diet is not clean. Going out to eat can be a challenge. But, worth the reward.

15 pounds to go.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Good Day

Had a good fitness and diet day. 40 minute jump rope and 27 minute speed work (running). Ate within calorie range. Feel energetic. 16 more pounds to lose then intense weight lifting begins!

April 8th

Aaahhh. The power of water loss. One more pound down this morning. Woo hoo! Stayed within calorie range yesterday and weight lifted forty minutes. Today's plans? 45 minutes of jump rope class and a run later. Good times!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


LOVE Olga's. Bad when you are trying to be good! Had to take the girl's out since they endured a boring time at my work today. Couldn't get anything I really wanted. So I ordered SMALL and ate half a head of califlower at home!!! Going to go soon and get in a whole body weight lifting session. Would like to go out and run -- but afraid the rain will ruin my new iphone. That simply can't be allowed to happen.

April 7th

Last night I was very well behaved. The family tried to get me to go get ice cream But, I did not. I won! Down one pound this morning, I know it is just water loss since eating clean doesn't include a lot of salt. But I will take it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Start page -- please look to right for updates!

UNTIL WE HAVE THE LINK FIGURED OUT: Please look to the right hand side for the updates listed by date. The link from my website is just going to this date. But if you look to the right you will see updates. Thank You!

In September I plan to compete in a figure competition. I have a long way to go in order to reach my goal. I plan to blog daily about my progress towards this goal. Three things I need to do starting today:

1. Eat Clean daily! This means no preservatives, little refined sugar, healthy foods!
2. Calories -- intake of 1600-1800 a day.
3. RUN RUN RUN! 5 days per week
4. Weight Training 2 days a week, heavy weight.
5. Flexibility, 15 minutes 3 times a week.

Once I lose 18 pounds, I will be lightening up on the running and cardio -- and increase the weights.

I promise to post daily -- the good and the bad.

I hope you will join me on my adventure -- the accountability would be a HUGE help. Please feel free to post your fitness objectives here, too!